If you did not make it into the program, your application will be considered for the next session. Whether you are waiting to see if you are selected for another session or are searching for other OSINT training, there are many other Open Source Intelligence and Digital Forensics training offerings to get you started. Some are free, while others are fee-based. We provide a brief overview of opportunities here, but we also encourage you to expand your internet research skills by seeking out additional training resources that best suit your training needs. For additional information, please visit CyberSkills2Work.org or email us to learn more at [email protected].
Hetherington Group (Hg) offers monthly live webinars on current investigative tactics involving social networks, search engines, due diligence, the dark web, and other related topics. All Hg training classes are approved as continuing professional education credits by ACFE, DHS, LPF, SHRM, ASIS, NASBA.
Intel Techniques (https://inteltechniques.com/)
Affordable & Free Training (https://affordable-training.dfirdiva.com/osint)
OSINT Podcasts (https://player.fm/podcasts/Osint)
OSINT Curious Project (https://osintcurio.us/)
Sector035 (https://sector035.nl/articles/category:article)
SECJUICE (https://www.secjuice.com/)
NixIntel (https://nixintel.info/)
If you'd like to be added to our list of available OSINT Training Resources, please email [email protected] with a detailed inquiry.
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